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Collection: Tracing Xuan Paper Set

All tracing Xuan paper sets 宣紙描紅 are based on the works of famous calligraphers from various dynasties in China. Here, you can find the most comprehensive and extensive calligraphy works for your learning Chinese characters, including seal script 篆書, official script 隸書, regular script楷書, running script 行書, cursive script 草書, and other fonts. 

100% highly restored their calligraphy works, including Wang Xizhi 王羲之; Yan Zhenqing 顏真卿; Liu Gongquan 柳公權; Zhao Mengfu 趙孟頫; Mi Fu 米芾; Zhi Yong 智永, etc.

Tracing their wonderful calligraphy works can help you practice how to use the calligraphy brush and you can feel the writing style of each different script, especially their lines.

35 products
  • Ouyang Xun 欧阳询 Chiu-ch'eng Palace 九成宫禮泉碑 93 Sheets
    Chinese Calligraphy Art
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  • Xuanmita Stele 玄秘塔碑 Liu Gongquan 柳公权
    Chinese Calligraphy Art
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  • Yan Zhenqing颜真卿 The Pagoda of Many Treasures 多宝塔碑 169 Sheets
    Chinese Calligraphy Art
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